Friday, June 21, 2013

Important Field Trip

I have to write about one of the most important field trips in my child's life....visiting the Fire Department.  We had this outing a while ago, but I had to encourage parents of preschoolers to please visit your local fire department, so your child is not afraid of a fireman in the event of an emergency.

At first, I thought "yeah visiting the fire house would be cool we get to see the fire station and the trucks", but once the fireman started putting on his gear I realized that this was well worth cutting nap time short that day.  Once they had on all their equipment the last thing the Fireman put on was his mask and at that point a lot of the children took five steps back.  Let's face it, Fireman sound and look scary when they have their gear on and if I was a 4 year old I would not want to be taken out of my house or car with this stranger that sounds like Darth Vader.  Parents-let your children know that if there is an emergency and a Firefighter is trying to get them out of the car or out of their bedroom window, they should not hesitate and go.  These are good strangers!!! 

The kids had a great time seeing where the fireman eat, sleep and hangout.  They even got to sit inside the truck and learn little tidbits of information (as my daughter always points out that fire trucks have ladders and fire engines don't!).  Kids nowadays are just too smart :-)

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